Thursday, August 15, 2013

Rothmann Still Wrong

Monday nights School Board meeting in Stevens Point, WI. went on into the wee hours of Tuesday morning, not adjourning until 2:22 am. 

Part of the delay was that the administrative board including President Terry Rothmann and Superintendent Dr. Attila Weninger chose not to respond to a request for a larger venue placed last week by school board member Lisa Totten.  The request was reasonable given a crowd of over 100 people were crowded into the School Board headquarters on Polk Street.  The rest of the delay was due to the fact that the School Board has decided to do away with the subcommittees and chooses to micro manage every issue that comes up before the school district at the general meetings.  This is due directly to miscommunications that would occur in subcommittee then get misrepresented at the general school board meeting.  This could be solved by taping the subcommittee meetings so agenda items could not be twisted around to mean something else or marginalized.  

I have been part of hundreds of meetings and never have I had a public meeting adjourn at that hour.  President Rothmann is still wrong for the Stevens Point School Board.  It is HIS responsibility to respect people’s time and the schedules that they keep.  How does a president of a school board expect teachers and students to function the next day if a meeting that effects their working and learning environment does not conclude until 2:22 am? After all HE is running the meeting, he sets the agenda and he chooses the venue.  One of his excuses for not being able to move the meeting is because he didn’t open his email from the previous weeks until Monday morning because he was on vacation.  I’m sorry, if you are the people’s representative and the Board president, and you knew that this meeting would be contentious, and the meeting was the day you returned from vacation, any competent, responsible leader would be checking their email at least when they returned on the weekend.  The whole meeting venue fiasco could have been avoided by a competent leader.

There were safety issues discussed and compromised.  Yes, safety was compromised for the sake of convenience.  The proposal of temporarily closing Plover Whiting elementary school and having our children be taught at Jackson elementary was not approved.  The compromise?  “No children shall be in the mezzanine during construction” Does this mean they can be in the mezzanine before and after construction? Does this mean that they can be taught there until construction starts?  The motion is poorly worded (Set forth my School Board member Bob Larson) but I think they mean there will be no classes taught in the mezzanine because earlier in the meeting they spoke of emptying a music room and an art room (Those classes will travel from class to class) and teaching the kindergartners in those rooms. 

All the while Jackson School sits empty and ready to be cleaned up and used. (After all they did have since last spring to clean it up because that’s when the building inspector said it was dangerous for our children to be in the mezzanine.)  It was brought out at Monday’s meeting that the Village of Plover notified the District in January … Why did our Superintendent wait until spring (April or May) to notify Plover / Whiting that they were in violation?  There would have been 3 to 5 more months to explore options if this concern were given the priority that safety in our schools demands.

The most important part of the meeting came when THREE different organizations gave a vote of NO CONFIDENCE against Superintendent, Dr. Atilla Weninger.  One group’s vote of no confidence is a major cause for concern. Three?  These are the teachers and support staff that educate our children speaking to the school board that the general public elects to make sure that job gets done.  The Stevens Point School Board had the opportunity to not extend Dr. Weninger’s contract.  The majority of the school board choose to marginalize the concerns of the (1) Stevens Point Educators Assistant Association (2) AFSCME Local 309 and (3) Stevens Point Area Educators Association.

Please remember that a teachers’ working environment is a students learning environment.  If there are enough concerns that our teachers to take a vote as serious as this, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed before our children start to suffer.  Our highly qualified teachers and staff are the first line of defense regarding many aspects of our children’s safety, their learning environment, and their psychological well being.  When a bully is threatening them we rely on them to intervene.

Why aren’t we listening?

Friday, July 19, 2013

Spring elections in Portage County

It's Candidate Recruitment time for our local spring elections. At our next meeting we will be breaking down the existing County Board and City Council districts. We will be identifying open seats, examining voting records, searching for candidates who are friendly to our middle class values and targeting those who are not.

We Are Central Wisconsin has identified itself with Just Cause (Requiring a legitimate reason for discipline in the workplace), the pullback of zero tolerance policies surrounding school bullying, realizing that each situation must be examined on it's own merits and no blanket type policy will serve our students as well as communicating with all parties involved, and non-discrimination policies at the city and county level.

Future agenda items will include our communities clean water, the right of all citizens to access clean water, and what high capacity wells have to do with it.

We Are Central Wisconsin has endorsed qualified candidates in the 71st Assembly District, School Board, City Clerk, County District Attorney. We are now entering the next election cycle in an even more active role. If you are tired of politicians who favor the few instead of representing the many, then it's time to get involved in your local government.

This spring every single County Board seat is up for re-election, half of the City Council, and 4 at large School Board seats. If you live in Portage County you live in an area that will be effected by this springs elections.

If not you, who? If not now, when?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rothmann Wrong

Rothmann Wrong,

To The Journal,

At our recent school board forum Terry Rothmann said “what goes on in closed door sessions of the Stevens Point School Board is none of my business, I am not an elected official”  in response to a question from our panel about transparency at the school board meetings.  This is the lack of transparency that Terry Rothmann hopes to bring (or more accurately, keep) in our school board.  The closed door sessions that on occasion need to be convened are to discuss business, not make decisions behind closed doors without input from other concerned parties. 

Another reason for the withholding of our endorsement was Mr. Rothmann’s response to the question, “What do you think the school district can do to curb harassment and bullying?” Mr. Rothmann’s response was that people are making a bigger deal out of bullying and harassment than the problem merits.  Our stance is that even one child who is victimized is too many.  If you have a child who is the victim of bullying, how would you like to be confronted with this logic?  It flies directly in the face of his very own “Civility Project” ( which, by the way, he could not reference, quote, or even remember when asked the specifics about. This is tantamount to blaming the victims, and the victims in this case are the students of our school district.

We need school board members who will respect everyone who plays a role in educating the next generation and operates with fairness and transparency.  That’s why We Are Central Wisconsin has endorsed Dr. Dwight Stevens, Lisa Totten, Kim Shirek, and Sam Levin for the Stevens Point Area School Board.

Rob Golla
We Are Central Wisconsin

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Stevens Point Wisconsin School Board Endorsements

We Are Central Wisconsin’s
for the
Stevens Point School Board
Spring 2013 Election

We Are Central Wisconsin is proud to endorse the following candidates for the Stevens Point School Board.  We have heard back from those who are interested in serving our students through this very important position and feel these are the best candidates to promote a healthy environment in which to teach our children. Keep in mind that teachers working conditions are synonymous with students learning conditions.

Dr. Dwight Stevens in the past has served as superintendent of the Stevens Point School Board for more than a decade.  He served by helping subsequent superintendents for years following his departure. He is currently acting as the President of the Stevens Point School Board.  His knowledge and experience are valuable assets to the current board.  He has served as the Deputy State Superintendent for the State of Wisconsin and during that time helped to negotiate a peaceful, mutually acceptable resolution to the states largest teachers strike in Racine in 1977.  Please WRITE IN Dr. Dwight Stevens for Stevens Point School Board

Lisa Totten is currently serving on the Stevens Point School Board and has been a voice for parents, teachers, and the general public.  Her stance on keeping the School Board accountable to the voting public of the Stevens Point School District goes beyond just words. She is a champion of the idea of transparency and hopes to continue to fight for transparency at the school board level.

Sam Levin is currently serving as a County Board Supervisor and a Trustee for the Village of Whiting.  Mr. Levin hopes to reinstate monthly meetings between the administration and teacher representatives saying that “the more information available to all concerned will benefit the educational process in this area”

Kim Shirek is your voice on the Stevens Point School Board.  She is a proud mother of 3 who says; “I do not have a P.H.D. after my name but I have a MOM after my name”   She has fought hard for common sense solutions to the problems plaguing our school board.  Kim has strived for open, honest, respectful communication between staff, students, and the community.  She realizes that good employees want to contribute and help, but when treated poorly, those same employees will shut down or worse, seek employment elsewhere.  “Healthy dialog will help our district run smoothly.”   

We Are Central Wisconsin is a grass roots organization dedicated to bettering Portage County and the surrounding areas through the education of the voting public on issues pertaining to the middle class, working Americans, and holding elected officials accountable for the votes they cast. Please consider our endorsements for the Stevens Point School Board elections on April 2nd 2013.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just Cause Update

Just Cause went well. We were able to find out where numerous local elected officials stand with their support. There were some unexpected surprizes throughout the day.

Before the meeting I received a phone call from Stevens Point Mayor Andrew Halverson. Mayor Halverson was adamant about NOT supporting Just Cause. His reasons were clear. "Just Cause does not give me the flexibility I need to... discipline employees". He went on to discribe an incident that took place many years ago where an employee wasn't disciplined to his satisfaction.

At the meeting We started to hear about our asst street superintendant being fired for writting a letter that opposed how the city runs it's health insurance program. There is currently a request, made by Alderman Mike Wiza, for this matter to be investigated by the city personnel committee.

While Just Cause does not apply in this particular situation, It does show how protection is needed from over zealous discipline.

I really hope there is more to this situation than what is described above. In the past our mayor has been a reasonable man who was willing to listen to both sides of a situation. Even after listening to this senario, the discipline seems extreme to say the least.

Here is the letter written by Alderman Wiza requesting an investigation:

Chairman Moore,

I hereby request the City Personnel Committee to conduct an investigation into the above matter. Based on information obtained by me, I feel there is strong evidence that Mayor Halverson directed the termination of a qualified, albeit probationary, employee solely because Mr. Reith sent an email questioning the fairness of the HAS wellness contributions made by the City to a single adult parent on the Family plan.

The information I received via an Open Records request leads me to that conclusion. I’ve included copies for your convenience.

1.The Performance Evaluation dated 1/9/2013, conducted by Dennis Laidlaw, shows a rating of “Fully Competent” in all categories, and “Consistently meets established standards”. Notes state: “Kelly has demonstrated full competence in this very brief period”. There were no instances of any negative comments or disciplinary actions that I found.

2.Mr. Reith composed and sent an email to Mayor Halverson on Thursday, January 17th 2013 late afternoon (approx. 3:42pm) Subject Line: Wellness Program Activity List”. This email expresses concerns about the fairness of the HAS contributions “point system” for single parents that are enrolled in the Family plan.

3.The Mayor sent an email to Dennis Laidlaw and Scott Schatschneider late that evening directing Dennis and Scott to: “Lets meet in my office at 0900”

4.A letter signed by Scott Schatschneider, dated the day of that meeting (1/19/2013) to Mr. Reith, states “after thorough consideration”, he was being terminated as of 12:00pm (noon) that day.

5.Director Schatschneider sent an email to Streets Superintendant Laidlaw the following Monday asking how it went. Presumably, how the news of the termination of Reith was affecting the other city employees. Laidlaw replied: “Morale has dropped” “Kind of a grey cloud hanging” “He messed up. We lost a qualified person”, etc.

6.Because of the rapid, unexpected termination, there were issues with his last check and some of the open records refer to that. That is of no consequence, I believe, to the larger issue at hand, but emails between the City Attorney and Human Resources Manager use some interesting phrases that seem to corroborate my case.

1.Email dated 1/25/2013 about 9:17am, from HR Manager to City Attorney, Cc: Scott Shcatschneider, Becky Kalata: “He has filed for UC. Because his termination wasn’t for “gross misconduct”; just want to verify that we won’t contest.”
2.Email dated 1/24/2013 about 10:39am from HR Manager to City Attorney, Cc: Mayor Halverson, Comptroller, Director Schaschneider and Becky Kalata: “Well, LJ his “hanging offense” if you will occurred on late Thursday afternoon.” This appears to be a reference to the email Mr. Reith sent, and that was the reason he was terminated.

I understand he was a probationary employee. My concern is the blatant abuse of authority to terminate a “fully competent” employee simply because he sent an email expressing his concern over what he saw as an unfair treatment of single parents. This unwarranted display has sent a rippling shockwave through the city ranks. Employees are terrified to speak up about anything for fear of repercussions, including termination.

I think it is imperative that an investigation be initiated as soon as possible to determine the validity of my findings and, if found valid, that all appropriate action(s) be taken to ensure this will never happen again. I would ask for your findings to be presented at your committee meeting, when the investigation is completed, to assure city employees and the general public that this matter is taken seriously and conducted as transparent as possible.

Thank you for your prompt attention in this serious matter. Should you have any questions, please let me know.

Mike Wiza

4th District Alderman, City of Stevens Point

Terrified indeed. There are employees who have felt the effects of raising issues that would be embarrasing or not to the advantage of those in authority. Our voices can not, should not, will not be silenced through intimidation and coersion. That is a standard that we should all stand behind.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Just Cause not just because

Just Cause Gaining Momentum

Just Cause is gaining momentum of elected officials because it is the right thing to do.  It creates stability in the workplace thereby increasing productivity.  Just cause protects employers as well as employees.  Help us support just cause and show your support at our informational meeting on Tuesday Feb 12th at 5:15 pm.  We will be meeting at Kristens Riverwalk in Stevens Point Wisconsin. 

The local Democratic meeting doesn't start until 7 pm so there is pleanty of time to make both.